sports medicine and physical therapy marble falls texas

physical-therapy - PT & Sports Rehab was established during the period of ownership of Marble Falls Athletic Club in September 2006 due to high demands on the medicine physical therapy and sports in Marble Falls and its surroundings. Due to the overwhelming response of our services club Atletico was to allow for a greater focus on physical therapy services, sold. After a short year, our new plant actually what was done to improve services to those requiring physical rehabilitation therapy (see Installation).
sports medicine and physical therapy marble falls texas

Our goal is to provide patients a comfortable and beautiful surroundings are educated and receive their rehabilitation goals. Our state of the art configuration, including a heated salt water and our experience of physical therapy has everything on stage. For your convenience, we have our new patient forms published on the Internet, so you downloaded before your appointment and fill them as his schedule allowed.
sports medicine and physical therapy marble falls texas

SM&PT is the best place I have ever had PT. I have attended PT in big cities and smaller towns. All treatments are performed by licensed professionals. They have helped me recover, have answered all the confusing insurance ?, a I have had and I had fun going there as I was being helped at the same time. I wouldn t go ANYWHERE ELSE
sports medicine and physical therapy marble falls texas

1 Response to "sports medicine and physical therapy marble falls texas"

  1. Sports medicine and physical therapy are a perfect combination. Many sports medicine patients do not consider themselves athletes, but they benefit from the technology and treatments related to sports medicine. This goes for physical therapy as well. In Houston, Texas, our physicians treat patients who are in high school or in retirement. There is no limit for sports medicine treatment.
